Friday, January 29, 2010


Ok, so I know that it has been a while since I last posted...but let me tell ya, my life has been one crazy hectic ball of craziness!
I am in the process of making a HUGE move, not only physically but emotionally as well. This move has really made me reevaluate the choices that I make and the things that I spend my time on, etc, etc. Needless to say, I have been spending a lot of time with my family and a lot of time packing, so this blog has slightly fallen by the wayside.
Now on to more pressing matters: Project Runway!
I am very into this season of Project Runway. Last season I was slightly disappointed. I didn't like the California vibe that exuded throughout the season...I can't really describe it any other way. However, this season has really gone the extra mile, and I look forward to the show every Thursday!
Last night, I was surprised at the challenge. I felt like it was way to early in the game to have the designers try and design something worthy of the Masters. I felt like that should be one of the last challenges. Maybe that is just me, but I think they need to be more innovative in the beginning (i.e the potato sack) and save the "pro" designs for later. Needless to say. I have already determined my favorites in this challenge, and I have high hopes for them.
First is Anna Lynette. Now, I usually pick designers based on my personal preference, however I really do think that she has a great vibe. I think that her romantic feel is something that is lacking in all of the other competitors. I also think that she understands wear-ability which is really important element in the design process. I think that as a Fashion Merchandising student I tend to put a lot of stock in wear-ability.
The second designer that I really admire is Amy Sarabi. I think that she is a very edgy designer and that she really has a grasp on innovation. Her potato sack dress was BRILLIANT and really should have won in my opinion.

What do you guys think? Who do you like the best?
I need to hear some Project Runway deliberation :-)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Waistcoats and Tea

Well, here I am again to report on the eventful happenings of the past few days. It has been a weekend filled with dorky pursuits and tea out the wazoo.
I went on an all day thrifting extravaganza on Friday. Now, normally I am able to find a myriad of fun things. Friday, however, was not my lucky day. I ended up finding a couple of good books but that was about it.
I hit the jackpot when my friends and I decided to visit this cute little town called Lititz. They were celebrating "Second Friday." All of the shops were open late, and they had wine and cheese tastings in a bunch of stores. It was superb! We traipsed around town until we discovered a little tea shoppe that sold loose leaf tea by the bushel. I got some great blends and have now been indulging in several cups of tea each day.
Which brings me to my next order of business. I have recently discovered that my taste for coffee has been gradually decreasing. Now I said in my previous post that I was an extreme coffee addict. This has been true for the past 10-12 years....and now I don't seem to have the taste for it! This fact worries me a tad. I have a reputation to uphold in the realm of coffee drinkers...I can't let them down!
All joking aside, I have been drinking a lot more tea lately. This is probably better for me anyways, and I love that there are so many different flavors of tea, and each one is extraordinarily refreshing!
Also, I was watching Return to Cranford on PBS last night, and something caught my interest. The one main character, whose name escapes me at the moment, was wearing a GORGEOUS waistcoat through the first half of the show. Another beautiful waistcoat was shown in the recent, and quite popular, movie Sherlock Holmes.* Now, normally I do not notice the men's clothing in period dramas, but these waistcoats caught my interest. I wish that men still wore fancy waist coats and cravats. I feel like it would make life so much more interesting!

Go to 6:09 and you will see the glorious blue and brown waistcoat
I can't find a clip of the Sherlock Holmes piece, but if you have seen it or plan to, it is the waistcoat which is thrown from the carriage:-)
As you are probably tired of my ramblings at this time, I shall bid you all Adieu
Until Next Time,

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Just Me

So, this is sort of an introductory blog post. I don't really know a whole lot about serious blogging, as I have attempted this several times before. I never really clicked with the medium, or perhaps my mind and thoughts were way too scattered. Either way, this blog is a way to see if anything has changed.

Like I said in my profile, I am an art school student studying Fashion Merchandising. I would love to work as a Visual Merchandiser for a major company. If anybody out there has ever seen the movie Mannequin, Hollywood has my dream job:-) I am moving to Texas in a month, and I am excited because it is a new phase, new adventures, and new people. I am extremely passionate about reading and often bug my family members with my literary rants. Basically, I want an outlet in which to express my creative musings as I embark on this crazy new life adventure.

You might also hear a lot about my family, and my obsession with coffee/tea. I love my family to death....they mean more to me then I could possibly ever express. They have been so supportive of all that I do and everything that I am. My caffeine addiction, not really, has been developing for many years now. I not only love the delightful taste of coffee, but I also so the romantic/artistic feelings that go along with coffee addicts evoke. Don't get me wrong, I actually started drinking coffee because I sincerely enjoyed it, however this little "image" that goes along with it is merely a delightful perk.

Alright, enough about my life. I actually did a little research on first blog posts and most of them were much shorter than this I should probably cut this short. If you stuck around this long, then you might actually get some enjoyment out of this blog and the thoughts that so often spew erratically from my mind.