Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Just Me

So, this is sort of an introductory blog post. I don't really know a whole lot about serious blogging, as I have attempted this several times before. I never really clicked with the medium, or perhaps my mind and thoughts were way too scattered. Either way, this blog is a way to see if anything has changed.

Like I said in my profile, I am an art school student studying Fashion Merchandising. I would love to work as a Visual Merchandiser for a major company. If anybody out there has ever seen the movie Mannequin, Hollywood has my dream job:-) I am moving to Texas in a month, and I am excited because it is a new phase, new adventures, and new people. I am extremely passionate about reading and often bug my family members with my literary rants. Basically, I want an outlet in which to express my creative musings as I embark on this crazy new life adventure.

You might also hear a lot about my family, and my obsession with coffee/tea. I love my family to death....they mean more to me then I could possibly ever express. They have been so supportive of all that I do and everything that I am. My caffeine addiction, not really, has been developing for many years now. I not only love the delightful taste of coffee, but I also so the romantic/artistic feelings that go along with coffee addicts evoke. Don't get me wrong, I actually started drinking coffee because I sincerely enjoyed it, however this little "image" that goes along with it is merely a delightful perk.

Alright, enough about my life. I actually did a little research on first blog posts and most of them were much shorter than this I should probably cut this short. If you stuck around this long, then you might actually get some enjoyment out of this blog and the thoughts that so often spew erratically from my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes for future blogging. You're off to a good start. :)
