Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Me?

Well, this is it folks. It's the time of year where everybody reflects on their lives so far. People look at how they have changed over the course of the past 365 days, and they figure out a way that they can make the next 365 even better. I hear things like "I am going to get in shape," " I am going to spend more time with my family," "I am going to eat better," "I am going to read the Bible cover to cover," etc, etc, etc. Every time New Year's Eve rolls around, I find myself thinking about these things.  Ultimately, I have come to the conclusion that people have a desire to better themselves.  They want to make this year even stronger by changing something about themselves that they don't like or don't feel is up to par. For some reason, this idea gave me pause. Don't get me wrong, I am all about New Year's Resolutions, and I applaud all of those who are determined to make positive changes in their lives.  However, I realize that for me personally, this is the opposite of what I want to do this year.
I tend to be overly critical of myself. I am one of those people who find flaws in almost everything I do. This year, I want to embrace myself for who I am. I want to appreciate my "vices" such as my obsession with dried fruit and coffee. I want to learn to love the way I view life, I want to appreciate the talents that I have instead of trying to cultivate new ones that aren't necessarily what I am good at. I want to learn to be the best "me" that I can be....
Perhaps this was a pointless post, but it was something that really struck me as an important concept, so I decided to share.


  1. i can comment as a livejournal person :D i liked this post and your obsession with coffee :P you dont need to change! you are awesome! really the world needs more idealists like you :)
