Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year, New Post!

Well, I figured it was about time for me to post again, I did a vlog the other day about my New Year's resolutions-type things, and one of these were that I wanted to blog more. The main reason for this is that I would really like to hone my writing skills....Somehow in my mind I have always imagined that I would be able to write America's best novel instantly, sans practice of any sort.
I'm blabbering.
Anyways, I have been trying this week to get my finances in order. I start a new job next week so hopefully the stretching and scrimping will decrease a little bit....I have a love/hate relationship with money...and cars. Perhaps they are related somehow ;)

Side note: I love Pennsylvania!! I forgot how much I loved the hilly roads, and all of the cute coffee houses, the hipster trend that has swept the nation, the cars with butt warmers ;p All of these things are quaint perks to living in a Northeast metro area that I greatly missed. Negative aspects: It's freaking cold!!!! Seriously, I was in NJ the other day at a strip mall. For some strange and unknown reason I felt it was necessary to wear a short dress and tights that day. It was 12 degrees. All. day. long. *Smacks Head* Oi, Pennsylvania and your crazy weather....
I guess there are good and bad sides to everything.

That is pretty much all I have today, except for the idea that I am thinking of trying to make semi-daily OTD videos (that's Outfit of the Day for all you non-blogger/youtube junkies out there). I guess I consider it a sort of portfolio of my creative works. Is that too....weird? I don't know, it's an idea in the making.

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