That's right folks, I have been holed up in bed for three days with, what Northeast Texans affectionately call, "The Crud." Yeah, I think it's a little weird too...
I have been watching an inordinate amount of TV, which is fun for one day, but after 3 days it is a little much. Not to mention that I really want to go outside and take a reaallly long walk but perhaps that wouldn't be such a good idea. What with me being the incubus of the viral plague and all.
But in all honesty I am glad that it is spring and that tomorrow is Friday and that I can finally start dusting off my zillion pairs of gladiator sandals....Yes, I am that girl.
Gah, I am craving a mocha right now. I don't even really like mochas. Knowing me, I will go and order one with the works, take two sips, realize that I don't like it, and chuck the remainder in the trash. POOF just like that $3.50 wasted. Ah well, at least I know I'm going to be wasting that money ahead of time and I'm not just trying to fool myself
I really don't have anything else to say, other than what I have already stated, so I suppose I could stop rambling now.
Random Aside: I found Ralph Macchio on Twitter. If you could see me right now, you would notice the gigantic grin on my face. It's true, I am the 80's movie nerd and Ralph and I go waaaay back :)
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