There are days where I feel like doing nothing but drinking coffee; cup after cup after cup. Why is this?
Today is one of those days. I am now, at 9:30 in the morning, on my third cup. Sometimes I think I drink out of sheer boredom, there is something about having a cup of coffee in your hands that automatically makes you feel slightly special. Other times I think I drink it because it inspires me and propels me forward. Now, I am sure most of these notions are in my head, but then again who is to say that coffee does not actually have the power to do all of these things, I most certainly am not about to argue it's mystical awesome-ness. I will merely revel in the aftermath.
Today is Tuesday, and by my own definition it is my designated school assignment day. I am completely lacking in motivation, however, and find myself dreaming of going outside, swinging at the playground, and going out to lunch with a handsome stranger who happens to know everything about Italy and can spend hours enchanting me with his fanciful re-tellings. Alas, I know that this will not happen today.
Or will it?
I ran over a skunk last night, and now my car reeks. But of course being me, I didn't kill it. Oh no, I drove directly over top of this skunk to avoid brutally murdering the thing, and as a result got the full brunt of it's wrath on the under carriage of my vehicle. Now, I have to go and get my car washed. Something that I don't relish, seeing as how that will mean I have to get inside the car to drive it to town to clean it and right now it smells like Satan's armpit. Oi vey, why do I get myself into these types of situations?
I found my dream job yesterday on Craig's List, and they are hiring. It is in San Francisco though, and I don't know how I feel about that. There are a lot of things in my life right now that I am holding out for. Does a major move fit into my plans? Can I stand rejection from such a job that I realize would be absolutely perfect for me? Dare I apply without some sort of moving plan? It scares me to think I could make one false move and totally screw up my life forever....or maybe it doesn't happen like that. Maybe we have a lot of different paths that we have the option of taking. All of them will lead to the the same ultimate goal, but each one has it's own set of twists and hardships coupled with the perks. Something to lose sleep over I guess.
I really don't know if there was a point to this blog, but I needed to get some stuff off my mind, and what better way then to aimlessly send it off into cyber space?
Adieu for now...I obviously have way too much on my mind to continue in this fashion.
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