Monday, January 11, 2010

Waistcoats and Tea

Well, here I am again to report on the eventful happenings of the past few days. It has been a weekend filled with dorky pursuits and tea out the wazoo.
I went on an all day thrifting extravaganza on Friday. Now, normally I am able to find a myriad of fun things. Friday, however, was not my lucky day. I ended up finding a couple of good books but that was about it.
I hit the jackpot when my friends and I decided to visit this cute little town called Lititz. They were celebrating "Second Friday." All of the shops were open late, and they had wine and cheese tastings in a bunch of stores. It was superb! We traipsed around town until we discovered a little tea shoppe that sold loose leaf tea by the bushel. I got some great blends and have now been indulging in several cups of tea each day.
Which brings me to my next order of business. I have recently discovered that my taste for coffee has been gradually decreasing. Now I said in my previous post that I was an extreme coffee addict. This has been true for the past 10-12 years....and now I don't seem to have the taste for it! This fact worries me a tad. I have a reputation to uphold in the realm of coffee drinkers...I can't let them down!
All joking aside, I have been drinking a lot more tea lately. This is probably better for me anyways, and I love that there are so many different flavors of tea, and each one is extraordinarily refreshing!
Also, I was watching Return to Cranford on PBS last night, and something caught my interest. The one main character, whose name escapes me at the moment, was wearing a GORGEOUS waistcoat through the first half of the show. Another beautiful waistcoat was shown in the recent, and quite popular, movie Sherlock Holmes.* Now, normally I do not notice the men's clothing in period dramas, but these waistcoats caught my interest. I wish that men still wore fancy waist coats and cravats. I feel like it would make life so much more interesting!

Go to 6:09 and you will see the glorious blue and brown waistcoat
I can't find a clip of the Sherlock Holmes piece, but if you have seen it or plan to, it is the waistcoat which is thrown from the carriage:-)
As you are probably tired of my ramblings at this time, I shall bid you all Adieu
Until Next Time,

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