Monday, April 25, 2011

Like A Butterfly...

While this is a slightly depressing song, the chorus keeps popping into my head. Confession: I love Corinne Bailey Rae....she has the most mellow and soulful sound. Her voice has this syrupy sweetness that reminds me of sweet tea in the summer. Is that weird?

The other day someone told me that they thought I must have been a butterfly in a past life. I don't know if they meant this in a positive way or not, but that was the best compliment they could have possibly given me EVER. If you know me at all, you know that I have a tendency to be all over the place. I "flit" around like I don't have a care in the world, which isn't true...but I do think I give off this vibe. That being said, when I think of butterflies, I think of vibrant creatures that flutter about and bring joy. Think about it, as a kid the top two insects that you never kill or freak out about were butterflies or ladybugs. They were sweet insects that were more of a pleasure to see than a displeasure.

Also, when I think of butterflies I think of pollination. To me, this is a form of life-giving. Butterflies help keep things going. Their flitting about is helping the flowers keep growing. Butterflies bring joy, butterflies give life, butterflies are a symbol of freedom.

Now, when you really think about it, butterflies did not get to this place without working for it. They start out as caterpillars and have to work hard at becoming a butterfly. They literally trudge through life for awhile until the appropriate time comes when they have to work really hard to make their little cocoons. Then they have to wait....and wait....and wait.  They know the good things are coming, but they also know that they have to work hard in order to get there.

So, to recap
*Butterflies are carefree and bright
*Butterflies give life
*Butterflies bring joy
*Butterflies understand that a good thing is worth waiting for
*Butterflies are willing to work hard for that good thing.

Yeah, I think it's safe to say that I like being compared to a butterfly :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wouldn't It Be Nice

If we were older
Then we wouldn't have to wait so long.
Wouldn't it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong.

You know it's gonna make it that much better
When we can say goodnight and staaaay together.

Oh wouldn't it be nice.

This song has been stuck in my head for about a week now. Spring/Summer warmer weather makes me think of The Beach Boys, and therefore their songs are constantly stuck in my head and in my heart.

I have recently fallen in love with the idea of love. A long time ago I had this epiphany about what love really is. I wish that I had my journal right in front of me so I can re-read what I wrote. I think what I have fallen in love with is the realization that we were put on this earth to love others. We are here so that we can share the love that God spews forth on us with each and every person that we come in contact with. That is our calling. Now, I think we all do this is different ways, but overall I know that the foundation of each and every one of us is love. We were created because of love, we all desire and need love to survive. Songs are written about it, poets praise it's beautiful mysteries and elegant simplicity.
When I die, the only thing I really want people to remember about me is that I loved. I want to be able to view others the way God sees them, as an individual beautiful creation with loads of potential. I want to rid my life of that ugly judgmental mentality that often creeps into my thoughts. I just want to allow my thoughts to be permeated with pure, unadulterated love. Is that so wrong?

I know this is no easy task, particularly in the World that we live in. But I'm fairly certain I want to attempt in. In fact, I want it to be my life goal.

I also had forgotten how much I love dancing in a public forum. The look of shock on people's faces when I randomly bust out the moves in the middle of a restaurant is well worth any slight sense of embarrassment that I might have had....Pshaw, who am I kidding? I totally was NOT embarrassed.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Downward Dog Baybay

Tonight I pulled out my yoga mat for the first time in about 3 months.  Yes, it is 12 AM, and yes I decided to embark on this journey in hopes that I would get bleary-eyed and sleepy after stretching my limbs to their maximum capacity.  Alas, this was not the case. After the first 5 minutes I remembered why I love yoga. There is something exhilarating about reaching for something that you didn't think was possible. Stretching your limits until you think you can't anymore...and then going that extra little bit. Even after a quick 20 minute vinyasa round, I stand up feeling like I can conquer the world.
Which is precisely why I should not be doing this type of thing at O'Dark thirty in the morning.
I doubt if I will ever get to sleep.
Is it possible to conquer the world in the middle of the night?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Things that make me smile

1. Family

2. Coffee

3. Flowers

4. Cupcakes

5. Smiles
6. Holding Hands

7. Anticipation